The total size of the archived album in FLAC and MP3 formats is 382.2 mb. All the fans can get it from the Boum website. There are 11 tracks in the archive. This album first saw the light of day on Mar 31, 2017. The full version of the album Swallow This by Lubricant is available for download in FLAC format. Download the album if you want to enjoy these music works: Telesyphilis of Exfetation, Paralysis Bulbaris, Imperious Radiopraxis (Tabidus Scatter), Inflammatorius Pulmonectomia, Pulpectomy, Monohemerous Joy, Thrombose, Declaration of Gallopping Consumption, Laceration of Vasoconstrictive Emotion, Expulsive Gastroscopia, Semistarvation. The music pieces of the album Swallow This are recorded in the Death Metal/Black Metal style.